(In the last few weeks, Cali Paddler has revisited some of its personal safety practices. The tragic event of losing Danny Marron should not be in vain, as we all can do more to be safe and enjoy the sport we love. We will never know fully what happened that day, and speculation should be done with kindness. But also done with diligence as we can at least move forward with personal improvements.)
Risk Assessment and Mitigation. The Coast Guard encourages boaters to always think about these two topics. Keep in mind, one risk level is not always the same to different paddlers. And certain items to counter the risk is not always a saving grace. But the combination of choices and our precautions in certain settings can be the key.
Assessing Risk could include if we are:
- Paddling with a group or alone.
- Experience level and health of self and others.
- Paddling in the ocean a bay/harbor.
- Conditions and sea-state at the time of paddle
- Paddling in unfamiliar waters.
- Paddling in inclement weather, and time of day.
- Paddling further offshore.
- Paddling along coastline that is unbeachable.
Mitigating Risk can involve precautions. Including attention to items from this list: *
- PFD (and is it carried vs. worn).
- VHF Marine Radio, PLB, SPOT, GPS, InReach.
- Cell Phone (in accessible and use-able dry bag.)
- Float Plan (existence and sharing of it).
- Leash use
- Assessment of tide and weather reports, not just at launch but for full intended duration of paddle.
- Contacting local paddlers and resources for knowledge.
- Equipment check
* Every item above can in fact be imperfect, in some settings. But they can still be helpful.
We hope you to see you on the water for years to come. It is up to each of us to make being safe cool and common. Thank you for your help.
Some links we wish to share with articles, tips and videos. Take a few minutes to read, learn and share. And implement.
CP Resources (e.g. float plan, radio guide) - https://www.calipaddler.com/pages/paddler-resources
CP Safety Video Playlist - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5Wgv65Iqhl4PV_XcnaLDshuOtOldEqP1&si=6zOFhZt0qFEIQHMc
CP Safety Articles - https://www.calipaddler.com/blogs/paddle-articles/tagged/safety
CP - Conditions - https://www.calipaddler.com/blogs/paddle-articles/paddle-conditions-apps-websites-wind-current-tide-storm